
You mean I’m NOT Wonder Woman??

A few weeks ago, I had an epiphany. It was rather a strong one, the kind that hits you over the head with a 2×4. And these days…that’s an expensive blow!


I was stunned! It was a crushing blow. My jaw dropped. I was speechless. You’re probably asking “what could have caused this realization?” A text. One simple text. It basically said…Hi all! I sent you an email with a few dates to choose from so we can schedule our next meeting. So, I click on my Yahoo app and open the email. There were 4 dates. I already had 2 meetings and an appointment scheduled on 3 of those 4 dates. Oy Vey. These dates were over a 2 week period. Over that same 2 week period, I also had a couple more meetings on the books. That’s when the 2×4 hit me. Bang! Right across the forehead. Like I said, I was stunned. There is just not enough of me to go around; to do all the things I want/need to do.

At that time, I was the co-treasurer of the band boosters, secretary of the TCRP, Alderman, on the Long-Range Comprehensive Plan committee, general manager at work (my boss had just purchased 2 additional businesses so my work load had increase greatly), wife, and mother. Wow, as I type this out and think about each position, I can see why this epiphany happened. I was a time bomb waiting to go off. You should also know, I have a touch of OCD and perfectionism in certain aspects of my life; as well as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Yay me. Also at this time, I hadn’t physically laid eyes on my son, Colton, in days. (He is quite the busy guy too. It was the end of the school year, he has a girlfriend, and he has a job.) I didn’t get to spend much time with Jeff, my husband. I leave for work between 5-530am. He’s still asleep. Work all day. Come home for about a minute and a half, just enough time to grab a bite, then leave for whatever meeting I had. On work nights, whether I have a meeting or not, I go to bed early. On nights I have something, I go to bed as soon as I get home. On the nights I don’t have anything scheduled, I have to make myself stay awake until at least 9pm. If I fall asleep before 9pm, I’ll be wide awake at 2am. I don’t tell you all this looking for sympathy. I just want you to understand what my daily life looked like.

Side note…..While I was typing this, I had 2 employees who hadn’t shown up for work yet. I called to see where they were. (They’re roommates, btw) Apparently, they slept through their alarms and that was a good enough reason not to come in. Seriously?! I told them not to bother coming in EVER. (insert eye roll and face palm here)

And now back to my “moment”. After the text, email, and several minutes of thinking, I realized something had to give. With great sadness, I stepped down from the TCRP executive committe. Back when I won my election for Alderman, I had already decided not to seek re-election for the band boosters board, so my time there came to a close at the end of May. (I will still voluteer and chaperone for Colton’s senior year.) I went home later that day and cried my eyes out. I cried because I had to give up those things that I love, but mostly I cried because I felt like a failure.

I come from a generation that was a huge leap for women and men continuing on the same path they’ve been on since the dawn of time. I was born in the early 70’s when women were burning their bras in the middle of main street. I grew up in the 80’s when women entered the work force, and not as secretaries and teachers. They were climbing the corperate ladder. My generation of girls were raised by women who were still expected to stay home, raise the kids, and keep house. So growing up between women’s lib and June Cleaver, my generation of women grew up believing we had to do both, to do it all…raise kids, keep house, volunteer, AND work full time. The men of my generation were still raised to be the bread winner. That’s it. Grow up, get a job. They weren’t taught how to share the responsibilities of child rearing, cleaning house, and working a full time job. I am NOT blaming any generation or gender here. I am just explaining how women of Generation X were raised.

We were set up, by society, to fail. No matter what path we have choosen in life, we will all have that 2×4 moment, that epiphany, we can’t do it all. Then comes the feeling of failure. It’s such a hard blow to our self esteem, our self worth. It makes us question ourselves as women, as mothers, as wives, as someone climbing that corperate ladder. Who am I? Who am I if I don’t do all the things?

I’ve had several weeks to think about those answers. I’m still me. By stepping back from a few things, I am a better mom, a better wife, a better ladder climber. I am a better ME! I don’t have to do everything to be a better me. I just have to do the things I’m able to the best of my ability.

We, as women, have to do better by ourselves and by each other. We have to stop judging each other. We have to help each other. And most importantly, we have to lift each other up. One of my favorite lines from a movie (Moms’ Night Out) is “I’m a hot mess, but I’m His hot mess.” We are all sons and daughters of the King of kings. We are His. When I see your crown slipping, I will help you straighten it.

My name is Christy. I'm a middle aged wife and mother. I've been married 29 years to my husband Jeff. I have 2 kids, a daughter in her 20's and a 19 year old son. I'm from West Tennessee. I live in a small town north of Memphis. I am the general manager of a mosquito control company, an Alderman representing my town, a marching band mom, and the secretary on the executive committee of my county's Republican party. As you can see, I have a crazy, busy life and I LOVE IT!! I'm an extroverted introvert, suffer from anxiety, and ADD. I don't let those things define me, I use them to my advantage. I love to cross stitch. I'm teaching myself how to hand embroider. I love my car. I mean LOVE my car. It's a 2017 Mustang GT.